Sunday, April 18, 2010

"If Your System Is Alkaline, You Can't Get Cancer"

"If your system is alkaline, you can't get cancer." "Cancer can't survive in an alkaline environment." Those are simple-sounding sentences, phrases people hear or read and latch onto, generally without thinking much about what they mean. They even get "pH paper" in order to measure the alkalinity or acidity of their saliva and urine.

But what is "your system" supposed to be, anyway? Whatever "your system" is, your blood must be part of it, and your blood must remain at an alkaline level of between 7.2-7.4 or you will either get very sick or die. Your intersticial fluid must also remain alkaline or you will become deathly ill or dead. So again, what do people suppose they mean when they say "cancer can't survive in an alkaline system?"

Incidentally, a lot of the pH paper people buy says for "in vitro use only," meaning a test that is done in glass or plastic vessels in the laboratory, so it is questionable whether the pH paper is giving an accurate reading, not that it matters anyway.

What matters is not "the pH of the system," whatever that is supposed to be, but rather what when and how you eat, when and how you sleep, how much exercise you get, how much sunshine or vitamin D3 you get, what your stress level is, what your insulin level is, what your weight is, and how much fresh air you get each day. Those are things to be concerned about, not what color a little strip of paper turns when you put it in your mouth.

Here's a summary of how to lessen your chances of cancer,(or most any other degenerative dis-ease, for that matter), without worrying about making a strip of paper change color:

Eat a mainly plant-based diet of all kinds of vegetables and fruits, paying special attention to dark, green leafy things. Stay away from junk, such as refined sugar and flour, potato chips, soda pop, and all the other stuff you know you shouldn't eat.

Get 20 to 30 minutes of moderate exercise at least 3 days a week, with 5-6 days being better. (Rebounding is an excellent exercise for both muscles and the immune system. See my post about rebounding on this blog.)

In the warm months, get 15 to 20 minutes of sun daily, making sure not to burn your skin. Get outside frequently, and breathe plenty of good, fresh air. If you live in a temperate area, take D3 in the darker months.

If you get to where you're under undue stress for a prolonged period of time, do something to get rid of it. Either get counseling, change jobs or whatever it is you need to do to lower your stress level.

Get to sleep at a decent hour---certainly before 11 PM, and 10 PM is much better. Sleep in a pitch black room. This allows your retina to shut down completely, which allows your immune system to work most efficiently while you sleep.

Take green food supplements: chlorella, spirulina, alfalfa, barley green, wheat grass, etc. Take enough of them so that your stools are green. Now there is a color you ought to pay attention to. Green stools are a far better indicator of health than pH paper.

Buy a glucose testing kit so you can check your blood sugar periodically. The level of your blood sugar is another indicator of health that is far more important than "the pH of the system."

Thanks for your time, and good health to you.

PS - There was a time when the cancer with which I was diagnosed was growing no matter what I did, so I tried to "raise my pH level." By taking various mineral solutions, I got the pH paper to register a little above 8.0! What happened? The cancer didn't shrink, but I got very sick! So I am living proof that cancer CAN survive in an "alkaline system."

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to living free of cancer and your efforts to fight it off! I could write entire novels about how our society is being brainwashed and programmed to eat crap food, have routine diagnostic checks after age 50 (which actually create more issues), pop Rx pills to keep big pharma industries rich, and have chemo and radiation to keep the sickcare industry rich. While the patient continues to get worse, AND broke.

    Two things documented to literally cure cancer is Jim Humble's MMS and Hemp Oil (extract of hemp, NOT the kind you get at the health food store). Neither item are available for retail, but the ingredients for MMS can be purchased and made at home. We've taken MMS for a number of months, and I've never felt better. Google both, Jim has several websites you can read.

    Combined with a vegan diet, exercise and rest, Divine healing, these two methods above have been proven to keep one healthy. The Hemp oil is available from Canada, but I'm hopeful to grow our own so I can make the oil to give to those in need. It's legal where we live, California, and my husband is on medical marijuana.

    Blessings to you, and be well!
